Hi everyone - I've been out for a while because I returned to the workforce a few weeks ago. I keep lurking to get updates and brainstorming ideas from everyone, so thanks!
Here's our update. At our PT conference, we were hopeful because the teacher was so optimistic about our idea to do online EPGY for DS5 while the rest of the class is doing basic math/reading. Well, so far, nothing's happened and we have a meeting scheduled in 2 weeks. Well, nothing's happened re: differentiation while the class is doing basic stuff. But they did start letting DS pick out harder books in the library, and the teacher is sending home more appropriate books too. I guess at this point, we're not too concerned, since it's only a few months, but hopefully we'll get some action out of the next meeting.
DS has been out for a week with the dreaded flu, so now unfortunately he's been balking about going back to school. He says he'd rather be sick, because then he doesn't have to go to school. I'm sure he's just trying to get to me, but once he said this after a 30 minute straight coughing bout when I asked "won't it be nice when you're not sick?" I still think I'm going to have to make being at home much less fun!