Hi everyone and thanks so much for replying!!! Well, I've had a little bit of a breather. I'm still very perplexed at DS's low score, but for now I'm able to just let it go and trust in what I know in my heart. Like you've said, parents DO know their children the best! To answer some questions...Yes, DS appeared well-rested, relaxed, excited to be there etc...Tester was very well-respected gifted children's psychologist who actually tested my previous children on the same test...Scores were very balanced across the board, this has been his only test...Very, very strange how he could be so unbelievably high on all milestones (easily fit level 4)...Play Mozart on violin and piano beautifully at age 4 (Still plays both instruments) Always the school/grade champion in spelling and geography bees...Aces every single test given in school, is a walking encyclopedia, etc...etc....etc...I just don't know anymore....Does this seem weird to anybody else out there??!!?? So maybe he's "just"

a high-acheiver, despite the level 4ness??? He is definintely not the "out-of-the box" creative thinker as my other two! Would this or his age 11 be a factor for low testing??? Sigh, oh well. The good thing is that he says he's very comfortable in the classroom...Thank goodness!!! I'm so relieved by that because I'm currently in the process of trying to grade accelerate his younger sibling. I don't think I could handle much more right now haha The only reason why I chose to have him tested was because I noticed him feeling a little sad knowing his siblings were getting special attention from school, memberships etc...There is a math competition and science fair held at school, that he would very much like to participate in, but you have to be in the g/t program. It's hilarious to me, because my other two children are the most random inconsistent learners in the universe...They pay no attention to detail, could care less about grades and the like...Funny, because my DS is a complete perfectionist who would absolutely rock in the math and science competitions. I also was so very, very curious for his outcome. Lately, I've been sort of in "obsessed mode" regarding giftedness. I was so certain that he would have scored way above his siblings...And now to see average??? Wow, it just doesn't make any sense. At the moment, I'm choosing not to pay the psychologist for a conference. Like I said, it really doesn't matter a whole lot right now. DS seems happy and content in school. Along with playing two instruments, DS plays high-level competitive sports, so it's not like he's sitting around not being engaged. I'm just wondering what to now say to DS??? He hasn't inquired about his score yet. He is a complete perfectionist, competitor with everything...This is going to through him for a complete loop...What would you say??? Sigh, sigh, sigh...I love this group so much...Thank you, thank you, thank you for listening everyone!!!