[quote=mnmom23] That aside

-- our local districts have an age by which a child must turn 5 to be in K and an age by which s/he must turn 6 to enter 1st. After that, they are much more flexible. So, the only way to get around the K or 1st cut-off that we've found are the following:
1) Have the child attend a private school for K
and 1st and then transfer in to public school as a 2nd grader the next year.
2) Have the child complete a year of
public K in a state or district with a later cut-off in which instance they overlook the "6 by x date" cut-off for first. A year of K in
private school does not work. They make the kids who did private K repeat K in the public school.
This is what we are finding so far. The law dictates a minimum age for K and 1st. After umpteen phone calls/e-mails to the Dept. of Ed, it seems (although it depends who you talk to) that the 1st grade law is based purely on the school receiving the state's money for him as a student.
The school CAN accept him as a 1st grader but they will not be compensated for him as a student. Hmmmm? In this economy, doubt they'll be willing to give up $$$.

Are bribes out of the question? (LOL)
The private school near us, which is a very nice school, charges more for K than I paid for college at the state U. Plus, "all their kids are gifted!"
Thanks for your responses, everyone! Still trying to figure this one out . . .