At school they tell me he has a problem transitioning to other activities and that's when his behavior is a problem.
Hi BSMom - He sounds exactly like my DS at that age. We finally got pre-school to understand that if you wanted him to move onto something else then he needed advanced warning and that if they put a timetable up they had better stick to it or if not make sure DS understood in advance and why there was a change, they soon got it after the first few tantrums - especially when they worked out that he knew what was on the timetable (reading already!)
This carried on into the first year of school even when we explained to his teacher it took the first tantrum for them to believe us.
He is a VERY strong willed kid. He knows what he wants and when he wants it. He doesn't like when people tell him when to do it. Things have to be right or he gets frustrated and upset.
If the kids were playing with the trains they had to go the way Tigger wanted - if he was going round the track clockwise so were they!! If he decided in his imagination the buses would be lined up one way and the trucks another then heaven forbid if anyone should change the setup. He has chilled out on this but can still get annoyed if play does not follow his pre-determined set of rules - even if the other kids don't get it. Which is why he is better with very compliant, generally younger or much older kids that let him go his way, but we still struggle to get him to let others lead play, especially on the computer as he gets frustrated that they are not quick enough or simply don't get it - and to be frank we watch him and we don't get it so I suspect the ND kids he plays with don't stand a chance really.
He hardly ever takes naps.
Tigger gave up by the time he was 2. By 2.5 I was exhausted and at my wits end - so off he went to Montessori pre-school who did a great job of understanding him and I should never have moved from there.
Tigger was also very sensitive - still is, he has motor skill problems and still has speech articulation difficulties, although not serious enough to warrant funded speech therapy but we have a program for him that he is supposed to work on at school as part of his IEP but... oh and he did learn to sign really early on to get round his speech problems which was a huge source of frustration for him too. He had a massive vocabulary but no-one could understand him. It would have been easier if he had less words as simple sentences would have been easier to understand.
Lots of similarities apart from the music - although he loves to sing and hum along to things he seems to always be a beat behind, same with dancing - I think lots of ear infections and 2 lots of grommets may have some bearing on this.
I can say it does get better but we were always confronted with his problems - his abilities were never pointed out to us (we just thought he was normal - only child, no experience of kids) so when he got to school they suggested testing because of his strange behaviour... they suggested Autism. So he was tested and it was suggested that he was 'merely gifted' and should be advanced to a suitably high level and all would come good - and amazingly enough it did.
So imho testing is the way to go then at least you really know what you are dealing with and try to get his carers to adapt to him not the other way round.
Sorry that ended up longer than planned - Good luck and welcome.