The difference between a child with a 135 or a 145 is huge! The 135 child could finish typical elementary school in two or fewer years while the 145+ child could finish in less than half a year if given the chance. The reason is that the 145 child has a brain that was able to absorb more from his or her environment both before and after entering school -- so they already are almost done with anything that would be presented in elementary school.
Deborah Ruf
Hi Dr. Ruf - so great to see you here! I've always wondered about your statement above. I mean,from reading your book, I estimate DS13 is probably a level 3 kind of guy - and he scored well enough to make the YSP cutoff, but he wasn't ready to do many of the elementary school tasks more than a year or two before his agemates, in our local 'somewhat above average' district.
Things like telling time, learning to read, small motor coordination for pencil holding, and the dreaded 5 paragraph essay all came within a year or two of his agemates - sometimes ahead of them and sometimes behind them! So I've always wondered what exactly you mean by the '135 could finish in 2 years' statement. Sure, if we started at age 8, he could have it all done by age 10, but at age 7 the '5 paragraph essay' just didn't seem to be in him. Isn't there some physical maturation that is needed for parts of finishing elementary school?
Of course in whatever he did, he was clearly 'different' - using abstract thinking way before peers, and rescuing teachers during class discussion. Even now in 9th grade at age 13 taking all honors classes, he sees that his well organized, hard working, high achieving, classmates don't get the symbolism in the assigned reading. (Today's was Plato's Allegory of the Cave - in English)
Anyway, I just ask because I find everything else in your book to be crystal clear, and so it really stands out to me that part I just can't wrap my head around. Maybe also because it stokes my 'Is he really 2E?' worries.
Love and More Love,