Hi! This is my first post, so I am not caught up on all that is going on for this forum, but I saw the questions about my re-titled book and have the answers.
The content has not been changed (yet). The test scores given are not updated, but I still give tests all the time and study the issues related to the results. I have retested many of the kids in the book at no further charge to their families so that I can see how they do on newer tests. As with all retesting, scores are rarely exactly the same, but with few exceptions, you can safely compare the old WISC-III to the newer WISC-IV and the SB5. The old SBIV wasn't used very much but is on the same scale, as well. So, you can still trust the published scores of the kids in the book compared to kids now who are tested on the WISC-IV and SB5. Professional interpretation is still very important, though.
CogATs and OLSATs are still on the same scales now as before, too, and you can use them. Remember that the Slossen and SBLM are both on a different scale and scores are relatively to considerably inflated compared to the other standardized tests. The scales also go higher for the Woodcock-Johnson, so higher scores don't mean quite the same when you compare.
Hope this helps. Glad so many of you liked the book already. Thank you!
Deborah Ruf