Maybe you can think something he enjoys doing that will help with fine motor skills. My brother has a specific learning disability that affects his fine motor skills. He was never interested in arts and crafts type of stuff so from early on my parents had to find something else for him to do as therapy. He liked airplanes so he glued together those (like this ) and he also liked building electronic devices that came in a kit ( like this ). He also took apart all our old phones and put them back together. Later he started building figures from playdoh and film his own animations using a video camera smile All this really helped him to overcome his weakness .

ETA our farther helped him at first and he had some thing that melted the metal for him when he build the electronic stuff. You can see I was not that interested as I don't even know the name LOL There was a store in our city which sold these things.

Last edited by oli; 08/26/09 08:45 AM.