If she's a visual spatial learner, she more than likely has issues with the whole phonics thing anyway... she doesn't learn in parts/order, she learns to see the result first, then break it down.
DS5 doesn't have a "diganosis" of anything, but every time it's mentioned around here, it makes sense that he would be a visual spatial learner... he never broke words down when he read - he just said them as a whole, etc... it also makes me wonder about myself, as I tend to see the big picture first - could be why I had such issues with reading comprehension - not that I didn't understand the story, but when you're asked questions, you're asked to break down the story in order or whatever. And I had issues with that and/or wanting to break it down into parts... same thing with math and writing step by step how I got at an answer... hmmmm.
As for the eyes, there's someone here that has a DC that had issues with their eyes - vision was good, but there was more. I can't remember what/who it was though. I hope she finds this thread.
And interestingly enough, I was in therapy for my left eye (which doesn't go left unless I force it) when I was younger and have gone back and forth between distance & reading glasses - my left eye has had the same distance Rx since I was like 12. I also had issues with reading the same line over and over again - not that I couldn't see the words, hmmm... interesting.
This doesn't say anything about vision itself, but I found it EXTREMELY interesting for my own issues - ha!
Visual Spatial Learner