Oooh, I had forgotten Ender's Game and the rest!
I guess I had also forgotten the inappropriate bits of Cyteen, sorry! Depends on the sensitivities of the child in question, and the parents...I wouldn't think twice about it when my kids get to that age, most likely, but I wouldn't keep them from the better Heinlein either!
Grinity, I agree about Anne McCaffrey--I've never gotten into anything of hers, for some reason.
I also forgot to mention another series by Robert Asprin that would be good--the Phule books. Phule's Company, A Phule and his Money, etc.
How about Gone With the Wind? I had probably read that a few times at that age. And if she might like mysteries, you could try the Mrs. Pollifax books by Dorothy Gilman--they are great "girl-inspiration" in a completely non-preachy way, about a little old lady who goes to work for the CIA as a spy.
I'm sorry, don't get me started on's quite hazardous!