The way I understand it, the research says that on average, siblings are within 10 points of each other. That doesn't mean that all siblings will be within that distance. You can have the obvious, one just MG and another very bright.
My Dd6 attends a private gifted school. I am always curious about siblings, my dd4 will start K next fall, so I many times ask other parents. I have heard it all. Some who have a few in the school. Many where there is just one in the school, the parents feeling that that particular child needed a gifted school more than the other(s). I bet that in many of those cases, the siblings are possibly gifted but fit another profile, or personality style, or perhaps are not as academic.
However, there are many cases of siblings who have simply not tested high enough to be in the school. Some, test "in" a year or 2 later, and others not.
I am pretty sure that my brothers are gifted, as I am, but not my sister. Yes, she does have some mild LD, but I don't think that she is 2E.
In any case, there are always exceptions. My younger one will be tested in a few months, and I wonder about how different their abilities are, and how, that combined with their personalities and birth order will affect schooling decisions and general parenting and how they each will perform in life, the choices they will make, etc.
Last edited by Mam; 08/02/09 05:43 PM.