Yeah so the translation there is "um we don't want to spend the time or effort TEACHING HIM KEYBOARDING so.....too bad for him....."

I am sure they find their jobs to be frustrating at times too but WE ARE TALKING ABOUT A CHILD! UGH! *stomps foot* Sorry for the anger coming out lately but really you are not asking them to move mountains here! I say, if you can, teach him the keyboarding at home, when he has it down fairly well, let the school know that he will need a computer station in the classroom so he's able to type his work and you will NOT settle for less. THIS SHOULD BE PART OF HIS IEP! Do these people have credentials?

I know I sound really mean. *sigh* We don't have it all rosey here and I know I am fortunate to have been able to work out the whole cyber charter deal for my son but it does sadden me that he's missing out on some of the whole traditional school experiance. Yeah, a lot of that "hype" is just that...."hype" and he's happy with his schooling and is well adjusted etc etc. It drives me mad that schools are still jerking people around like you have described. As you can tell I have "issues" with things I can not where did I put that copy of the serenity prayer?? *chuckles* Hang in there Willa! You're the best thing that boy has got!