Wow, This thread has been though provoking as well as an affirmation of what makes this board such a great place to come home to. We can ardently present our views, thoughts and positions knowing that while the positions may be intensely debated, all views are welcome. Even a couple words out of a post may generate a whole new approach to explore to someone with a problem or concern.
Maybe we need a warning on the front page that all posts are the opinions of others and should be read with the intent to explore options but not intended as a "prescription" for anyone? (someone much better with words can figure our how to say that :))
Reading this thread, I am thinking that alot of the behavior and attitude problems that we are seeing recently in DS (10) may be related to boredom in the negative sense. Not quite sure how I'm going to address it but it at least has me thinking in a different direction which I very much needed! I'll start by rereading the book about boys and learning styles...