I agree with Eema on this one, some kids just don't test well. I think that IQ tests are useful when show that a child IS gifted, but I don't think that they are reliable enough to PROVE that a child isn't gifted.
In the end, I see gifted as a child having special educational needs that are unlikely to be met in her neighborhood school without substantial modification.
I think that achievement is a very different thing than high IQ. High achievement can occur with a hard working person once the range of IQ gets into the 120s. If that person is also very creative, then unquie high achievement can certianly start in the 120s of IQ. Take a look at Dr. Deb Ruf's 'Losing Our Minds: Gifted Children left behind' and there is a list of very important and successful achievers with 120 and up IQs in the back.
IQ and success in life are generally related when you look at large groups of people, but for any individual, there is quite a range.
In the end, if you really want to know if your child is 'gifted' IQ wise, let him have a chance to do academics a few years ahead of himself. If he still rises to the top of the class, then you can assume he's gifted and just not testing well for whatever reason. If he is wearing himself out or not performing well, then you still don't know for sure, but you have another datapoint.
I hope that helps!