Speaking of legos, and chess, we got our lego chess board in the mail, and today we made our chess pieces. I was just going to take it slow with DS4, showing him one at a time what each player does. I tried to start with the pawn, but he said "i want to know what my queen does first!" When we got through all the pieces, he had to play a game, of course. It all came so easily for him, that it made me a bit worried.
The first half of the game, I would point out things like "but if you move there, I can take your queen, and then you'll be sad." In one move in the second half of the game, I told him if he moved there, I'd take his queen. He said, "But you won't, because then I'll be sad." At that point, I told him yes, i would start taking his queen now.
My favorite part was making the pieces with DS4. I'm not a big fan of chess, but I like arty, creative stuff.

I think DS4 will be able to overtake my chess ability soon, so hopefully DH will get home from work early enough to play DS, otherwise I'll seek out a chess club. Or check out the Lego software - i didn't know that existed (we too have a lego-obsessed child)