Thanks! Yes, I think it went pretty well. He offered things like partial homeschooling, whole-grade acceleration, and further testing before I could even mention them. Basically, he's fully aware that both my kids need a different kind of learning, and he is thoroughly enthusiastic about the extra projects we sometimes do (kept talking about the video presentation my son made in first grade after our trip to Hawaii, LOL.) He seemed sympathetic to my concerns about DD, peer acceptance, and fear of failure. the end it feels like it's all back on me. They're flexible, but they're not really going to be the ones taking the initiative on this. So I need to come up with a solution that works for our family, and then bring it to them for them to help me implement it. So that's tough, it is going to take some good conversations with my husband and kids to hash out just where exactly we DO want to go at this point.
I think it was a nice, positive meeting (nearly 45 minutes) and it was good to hear his anecdotes about other bright kiddos and know that we're not the only ones who've raised outlier kids in a sleepy town with a small public school district.