I think it's really difficult to come up with a curriculum because things change so fast. Whatever I write today won't be true 2 or 3 months from now and if you have asked me the same question in June I would have given you a slightly different answer. Nevertheless here is where I am
- Singapore, gaps in 3B, 4A. Hopefully once we get to 4B or 5A it will be more about new material than filling up gaps.
- Primary Grade Challenge Math by Zaccaro.
- Pentrose book, you know the one about the cat. I am too lazy to go and look up the title.
- Joy of Mathematics, Teaching Company
- a mixture of 2nd to 4th grade material of Harcourt Family Learning. Right now DS6 is writing a "book". We will cover any grammar or spelling which comes up during this project. After he gets tired of it we will try something else.
- DS6 is interested in the word origin and we will use Cryptomania! for this. I need to write a post about this book.
- Starting from Big Bang just like Kriston. Kriston, if you find any good books, please PM me and I will check if they are available in our library.
We will use Usborne Internet Linked Encyclopedia of World History and Usborne Internet-Linker Encyclopedia of the Ancient World, plus whatever we find in the library
- Maps, Globes, Graphs Level C plus whatever comes up during history
- Sheppard Software (in case there is something DS6 doesn't know yet

- CyberEd Earth and Space Science
We have lots of books related to that
- whatever else we may like to explore
Languages: his other language 2nd grade curriculum and hopefully French
2 weekend gt classes of his choice
Piano, gymnastics, skiing, ice skating, ...
He will also attend alternative school 2 afternoons/week to be with other kids and he and I will get a break from each other. It's only 10 minutes from us and I guess it's worth trying besides theirs "All our children are smart" Ouch. Fortunately DS6 shouldn't stand out when it comes to art/music/drama which is what they usually have on their afternoon schedule. We will see how that goes.
DS4 will be in play-based preschool and it's up to him what he wants to learn at home.