Yes, Portia explained it well.
The DYS program has rolling admissions. Complete applications received by the first of the month are reviewed that month, and applicants are notified of the decision by the end of that month.
The process repeats the next month.
More information at this
FAQs link.
Applications are reviewed monthly. Applications completed by the first day of each month, or the next business day following a weekend or holiday, will be reviewed in that month. Applications are not considered complete until Parent Agreement Forms have been signed by each custodial parent, and the Nominator Form has been submitted.
The answer to your question "
What happens if the nominator does not get the form in by the deadline?[/i]" is:
If the application is not complete by the first of the month or the next business day following the weekend or holiday but is complete sometime later in the month, the application would be reviewed during the [i]next month.
Looking at this month's dates specifically:
- Because January 1, 2017 falls on a Sunday, it appears that the "deadline" may move forward a day.
- Then, because the following day
Monday January 2, 2017 is a National Holiday, it appears that the "deadline" may move forward another day.
- Therefore it appears that the "deadline" to be considered in the January 2017 batch of applications may be Tuesday, January 3, 2017.
DYS FAQs webpage describes when parents will be notified, including a notification that their completed application has been received.