**Didn't know whether to post this in the testing/identification board or parenting/advocacy. If it's better in another place, please advise and I'll take it there.**
Hello. I'm new to this forum. I am a gifted mom married to an ADHD (and likely gifted) husband. In an initial visit to determine if DD5 is showing ADHD signs, it was recommended we have a gifted eval. I knew there's some heritability and had an instinct she'd be found "bright" if not gifted, but didn't have the best "gifted" experience myself so I hesitated. After research, we found a great neuropsych center (on the Hoagies find a tester section) and had her eval on Monday. I was prepared for a "bright but not quite gifted" or even up into the 130 IQ range. I was not at all prepared for across the board 99+% and an FSIQ 148, GAI 147.
I've spent this week feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and even trying to find reason to believe it's falsely elevated. Sounds horrible, I know. Hubby has pretty severe ADHD and DD5 may or may not have it (tester says a lot of her "quirks" could also be explained w/ her WPPSI score but to revisit in a couple years). As I mentioned, my gifted experience was not pleasant and now she's in a higher range than me and I'm concerned I may be outgunned. I'm in a state that doesn't seem to value education and tester tells me I need to be selective w/ her educational environment in order for her to thrive, but recommended options are few and far between w/ many requiring a move. I'm also concerned that if this is somehow not a valid result, but I place her in a program accordingly, will I bring her misery b/c she can't keep up? Will I squash her love of learning that I desperately want to foster? (Overthinking is my "thing.")
I stumbled onto this site and see that 145+ is the qualifying IQ. I imagine her score in this forum isn't all that exciting, lol. I guess I'm wondering if it's "normal" to initially stumble through disbelief at results or feel overwhelmed. I'm assuming/hoping that after some time for it to sink in I'll move more into the "action" phase and out of the denial phase.
I've been flying wildly between wanting to throw myself in and make a plan to advocate for her better than was done for me and then wanting to tread lightly in case it's all a fluke. I'm only on day 3 of this news so definitely still in the fact-finding stage. Anyone experience anything similar when first starting the journey?
TIA for input from some wise BTDTs