Ooooh...Big gamble, eh? Any idea how the error happened? It seems unlikely, you know?
Do you think you have it in you to "play dumb" (as in, "Oh! I thought you changed your minds and got him in." <batting eyelashes innocently>

) and not have anyone notice it? Since you have spoken to the Principal and VP, it seems like they might figure it out...
What happens if they do realize the mistake? Would you be stuck without school? Or could you get him back into the Montessori program? (If you do try it, maybe call him in sick at the Montessori for the first couple of days, just to be sure you don't lose your spot there...)
Honestly, I don't really feel qualified to advise you, since I do think it's a pretty big gamble. I'm not sure it's a great idea to try to circumvent the bureaucracy this way. Bureaucracies don't like being circumvented!

But it sure is tempting when it falls into your lap like this, isn't it?!?