This is such a kind and supportive community.
Yes HJA, it certainly is. I've come and sought out that support on at least half a dozen occasions already, and it has not disappointed. I greatly appreciate every ((hug)) I have received on here.

I hope you have a great weekend and that you do end up going for a nice hike in the woods.
We went out on Saturday and explored the shores of a lake, and it was a huge hit. We brought our nature lovers' kit (frog catching nets, bucket, binoculars, microscope and camera) and had tons of fun. By the end of it, he was up to his waist in the water catching frogs and tadpoles. We also took a few steps on a hiking trail and luckily saw caterpillars and an intact dead dragonfly. We pointed out to DS6 that you can't make such amazing discoveries unless you go hiking out in nature.

And then yesterday, he turned into the intense, excited, hyper little beast that he can be sometimes and nearly drove us around the bend.

I guess we can't win 'em all.