Have you looked at any anxiety books? They may help. Just a suggestion. I've been using an anxiety & phobia workbook by Edmund Bourne with ds10 on/off at times and trying to override his negative self-talk loops, mild depression, lack of sleep, etc. I'm sure you can find similar self-help anxiety books at your public library if they don't have this particular one.
It's not a miracle cure though and it might require some effort and patience on your part. However, it might help. You could try to go through some of the ways to help your son think more positively and have more confidence and boost his self-esteem. We recently did a big move and it sent my son into a tailspin socially and emotionally. He hasn't been coping too well either so I can commiserate with you.
A few years ago we tried the therapist route with our son but she really was out of her element with ds and didn't know what to do or suggest. IF you can find a therapist who has experience with gifted kids, then you might find success - and I really hope you do if you seek one out.