I'm a school principal and it was said repeatedly by Pearson in several statewide training meetings. Pearson blamed CDE for not making the tests adaptive. This is important because, unlike with NWEA MAP, the scores are not comparative across grade levels nor can you use them to determine a child's level of achievement beyond the current grade level.
What is adaptive about the test? If you get a question wrong, the test will drop down to an easier question. But it will not go below grade level or above grade level by more than a few questions. It definitely does NOT go a full grade level or more beyond the grade level set in the test for the student.
Further, the Performance Tasks are different for each grade level and require a classroom activity in advance. The test scoring is heavily weighted on the Performance Task and this is *not* adaptive and does *not* allow access to any above or below grade materials.
Based on all the meetings I've been in, I believe CA was petrified that if they made the test fully adaptive, they'd have to say "We have X number of 7th graders performing at a 2nd grad level." It's better to not quantify that... I guess....
Last edited by CAMom; 09/27/15 04:02 PM.