I have no idea if this will help, but this thread made me think. I grew up hating math, and had a pretty good idea that I would never need it. I found this, and found it interesting
http://www.ted.com/conversations/16890/why_does_everyone_hate_math.htmlMath is a language, but we don't really get a lot of its benefits until we get to higher math. Both my kids love to read (not so much to write, but they love reading). What if all they ever got in school was spelling tests, lessons in proper sentence structure, and the alphabet? No reading?
But that's how we teach math. Memorization and drills. And we never tell them why we are doing it. So I sat my kids down and explained it to them. I said math is the language of the universe. We used it to figure out where to send New Horizons 10 years ago so that, even in a constantly moving solar system, and even though we only knew about 1/3 of Pluto's orbit.. we could get a probe the size of a grand piano to the the Pluto system.
I showed them fibonacci spirals in nature and I explained to them that the reason we know about the smallest known particle in the universe (the smallest lego piece in kid terms) and black holes is because we are using math.
I don't think anyone shows kids the "reading" part. They just show them the drills. I am going to be looking for opportunities to teach them math to understand their world in a more poetic way. I am not a natural mathy person, so I do not know if this translates to mathy kids who already get it…but anyway, if it helps maybe it's not just curriculum, it's big picture. Sort of like, if you learn French, we can go to Paris...