At what level do you think it would be appropriate to transition him to AOPS Pre Algebra? I believe EPGY said end of 7th in their curriculum?
We haven't done EPGY, so I can't speak to that specific transition. However, I personally found the AoPS pre-Algebra book seemed to contain absolutely everything a child ought to have learned by that point from K on up. We came into it from grade 4, and most of the concepts were new, but well-explained and the problems worked you up from basic to seriously hard. My own experience is that you could do the pre-algebra instead of other courses (like grades 5-7!) to learn these materials, as long as you were able to take your own pace and spend as long as needed on the parts that were wholly new. You probably wouldn't want to try an AoPS on-line course without more pre-requirements though, as these move fast (i.e. a chapter a week, typically), and as I note in the previous post, it really is worth every minute you put in to working through all the harder problems in the text.
Question, are you all fairly strong in math and able to go through these classes/lessons with your children yourself? We often watch the Kahn Academy video's on new subjects that he must learn. I find myself having to relearn many of the lessons myself:) I often wonder if I am doing my child a disservice(holding him back) by my own shortcomings in teaching and math. I was thinking about hiring a tutor. Would love to hear your thoughts.
I'm a serious artsy, though I do have two years of university calculus from (egad) three decades back. I'm embarrassed to tell you how much I learned from the pre-Algebra book, never mind the Algebra. Even accounting for all I've forgotten, there's a ton there I never learned in the first place, especially in the whys and hows of things (which is why I LOVE AoPS - everything from first principles, everything for a reason, no rote processes). So I have to do the text/courses side-by-side with DS, and it's no small struggle to keep up. I assure myself that I am postponing dementia for a least a decade with this work!

At some point he will truly leave me behind, but I'll keep going as long as I can. I can still out-compute him with ease, but he blows me away on all the conceptual bits...