I've seen several posts about the Explore test at different times but my search turned up some pretty irrelevant threads, so I thought I'd create a new one and clog up the forum with already asked and answered questions.

Is it worth it? I absolutely know that it will not make one bit of difference to the school and would not provide any basis for differentiation, so that wouldn't be a benefit for us.
However, we'll have a little more time for some afterschooling activities over the next several months (really through next summer even). Would the Explore test give me an idea of where my child really is? The only testing he's had so far has been fairly usless for that (post high school for the math subtests and 7th to 9th grde equivalents for the reading and verbal subtests). There is no way my child is post high school, though he is learning algebra at home.
Has the Explore test helped you place your child a little better even if not at school? What other ways would the results be useful? Are there any benefits to registering with the Duke program even if he doesn't take the Explore, such as opportunities and resources we wouldn't otherwise have access to?
Thanks so much in advance for any help/direction you guys can provide!