Our band instructor goes over with the parents how much they learn in marching band, and how much coordination is necessary to do a good job. You not only have to play the right notes on your instrument, but you have to do it in time with everyone else, stand up straight and at the same time march in formation & backwards, be on the right mark at the right time. There is a million things to think about and remember. It's like rubbing your head and patting your belly. He isn't trying to scare anyone off just remind the parents that this marching isn't easy and they learn a lot.

At my son's marching band the students have practice right after school on game days, an hour break where dinner is brought in by parents volunteers. And then it's time to get dressed and set up. A very long day. Our uniforms are lightweight wool, but we are in S. Calf and it's often still HOT out.

What is your son supposed to wear under his uniform? Our kids are asked to wear a black t-shirt and gym shorts. What is is about the uniform that is uncomfortable? If he finds it itchy maybe a long sleeved sports undergarment would help, as long as it won't be too hot? If it doesn't fit right perhaps it could be adjusted. We are allowed to adjust our kids uniforms as long as we don't do anything permanent like cut off fabric.

Last edited by bluemagic; 09/20/14 12:53 PM.