I suppose that now is not a good time to admit that my 10yo DD's favorite movies (aside from The Princess Bride and Monty Python anything) were
Little Miss Sunshine and
Groundhog Day. At 12, she developed a fondness for
A Fish Called Wanda. 
I feel like a horrible person for admitting that, somehow. (I'm kind of reliving that awful moment at the homeschool day where my 4yo happily announced to the entire lab group-- that she knew exactly what a necropsy was, and that she intended to be a forensic pathologist and she LOVED watching CSI, even if some of that stuff wasn't very realistic...

Yeah, good times. EVERY other parent looked at me as though I ought to be reported to... well, somewhere.)
She's got a WICKED sense of humor, and always has-- but has no trouble not leveling that destructive side at other people, and self-edits extremely well, as ndw notes. So we don't worry about it. At 5-8yo, she was VERY fond of comic anthologies like Garfield, Peanuts, The Far Side, and Calvin and Hobbes (which in some ways is almost perfect for HG+ kids).
The Muppet Show and Doctor Who might be appealing at the ages the OP noted. Ohhhh-- I know a film that you might consider, actually (but prescreen to make sure of any content that you might personally find objectionable)-- Dean Spanley.