The thing to remember is that young gifted children are still young children. It is often hard for my husband and I because my daughter acts SO much older than she is at times. You'd think she was six and not three. But, then she'll do things that frustrate us, but the truth is.. she's just being three. It's pretty normal for a gifted child to be asynchronous. We have to constantly remind ourselves to have patience in the times that she's actually acting her age! Like, she'll sit there and read a second grade level book almost flawlessly, then she'll turn around and be singing about poop. Good times, lol.

Originally Posted by it_is_2day
Yes, I share the uncertainty, of whether my 2.5 yo daughter is gifted due to the fact that she does not continuously act super smart, but those moments when she is singing frozen songs without a mistake and in fairly good pitch at the top of her lungs and acting out the scenes like saying "Do you want to build a snow man... It doesn't have to be a snowman" in the same voice as in the movie under the bathroom door I think to myself... Self, your daughter is something else.

Later, when she is whining about not wanting to do something that she is supposed to do, I think, no she is just a normal 2 year old.

Later still she want to go save Captain hook, and needs to make some more pixie dust first and I start thinking again she is something else.

There, are those moments where she will say very thoughtful things that seem years above her, and this tells me that I must not treat her in every way like an ordinary child because she understands so much more, but at the same time I do have to treat her like an ordinary child because she is still just this very little girl.

Z - 01/23/11 and O - 05/12/13