For the most part, it seems to me that what a system needs is a strong leader who then has to take the time necessary and the persistence to make change.
Three years ago, I arranged for the principal at my son's school, the curriculum assistant superintendent and some other teachers and parents to visit a neighboring school district to observe a highly gifted program there. My DS had just done a mid year skip into second grade and I was hoping they would offer the program in our district in the 3rd grade. He is now in the 5th grade and attends that neighboring district's program.
Two weeks ago, my son's former principal who now works for the district presented the districts plan for gifted education - it contains an elementary and middle school self contained program - initially starting elementary in 2014-2015 with expansion to middle in 2015-2016. While it is 3 years too late for us for elementary school, I am excited about the opportunities for other kids and my own in a few years. I like to think that some of those efforts 3 years ago planted the seed for some of the change.
Our district also went through creating a strategic plan and got a huge Race to the Top grant which has really created a change mindset - a mindset that seems at least at the higher levels to recognize that we have to serve all types of kids.
Anyway, it did not happen quickly but I do see some change over time in our district. My son will be coming back here for middle school - oh and I will start serving on the school board in January. I filed to run and no one opposed me.