Our school happens to be overwhelmed with volunteers.
Do you think some of them would want to volunteer our our school?!? We could sure use some. I think that the elementary PTA actually had to fold this year because there were no parents involved.

I was only allowed in the classroom twice a month because so many parents were volunteering and the teacher had such limited hours when she accepted help. The jobs she assigned involved keeping the parents out of the classroom as much as possible.
I did a ton of photocopying and running errands. One year my right arm got visibly larger because of all the hours I spent using the dye-cut machine! Still, for me that meant that the teacher was getting to teach instead of doing all this annoying stuff. And, in the case of dye-cutting, it meant that the teacher had material on hand to do some crafts if she ever ended up with 15 minutes to do them in. So I wasn't always in the classroom either. But it did allow me to be part of the community of the school. But I can see in a school where parents are knocking down the doors to volunteer, I still would have been just one of a crowd.