Mahagogo5, it seems like our DDs are only a month apart and they sound very similar.

My DD went through a phase where she wouldn't ready anything if she didn't find it herself. She is also very suspicious of fairy tales. She seems to know that those types of stories normally come with a scary villain or two and she wants nothing to do with them. I remember showing this book to DD when she was 2 and she ran away as soon as she saw the cover: bad for not noticing how scary that looks to two year olds)
She's slowly overcoming her fear but it's probably take her awhile to completely be okay with fairy tales.
Her reading curriculum designed by her went something like this:
Phase 1 Piggie and Gerald books by Mo Willems
Phase 2 P.D. Eastman books (but not Dr. Seuss)
Phase 3 Henry and Mudge and other Cynthia Rylant books
Phase 4 longer picture and chapter books
She still reads Piggie and Gerald books once in awhile and still giggles at exact the same jokes. One of these days, I should write to Mo Willems that his books inspired DD to learn to read.