Have you read "Squirrels on Skis?" it's actually by J Hamilton Ray but part of the Dr. Seuss early readers… my DD thinks it is SOOO funny.
Our library doesn't have that title yet but it looks like a good stocking stuffer. Thank you for the recommendation.

DD has stopped wanting to re-read Mo Willems' Piggie and Elephant books but she still goes back to P.D. Eastman's books. Her favorite is The Best Nest and when she builds nest out of pillows and blankets, she asks me to come take a look at her best nest. Sam and the Firefly is another favorite.
I'm struggling to accept DD's latest choices when it comes to early chapter books. She discovered those horrible Disney Fairy books (not the real chapter books but early readers levels 3/4 and they are awful) and she has decided that she likes Nate the Great after a slow start. While the latter is much better written than the former and does not feature curvy half-naked fairies, it's written for 1st grade and 2nd grade boys who tend to think girls are icky; so, per the course, girl characters in the books are depicted to be one-dimensional and creepy. There aren't that many Disney Fairy books so it's not like that phase could last that much longer but there are 26 Nate the Great books and we have at least 15+ more to go.
On a positive note, she is going through Arnold Lobel books like Owl at Home. I thought for awhile that she bypassed them forever but I catch her reading his titles on her reading chair and chuckling by herself these days. I'm thinking that perhaps, she wasn't ready for his sense of humor until recently.
I read The 100 Dresses this morning and it was a good reminder that DD might be a reader but she is nowhere ready for "real" books. I honestly don't know what she should be reading for the next couple of years. Thankfully, she still enjoys picture books but I want to find her appropriate quality chapter books but they are so hard to come by.