If you are a Title 1 school here with all the first day of school paper work (the ability to get school accident insurance, the code of conduct, the update the emergency card information, update the health form, the school calendar, the permission to photograph, etc.) you also get a nice big glossy Title 1 handbook. The handbook goes over all the requirements they have to do to get the money. (The handbook is one of the requirements). You have to have an annual meeting at the beginning of the year explaining all this stuff. You have to have a parent involvement plan, you have to have a contract spelling out what the student is responsible for, the parent is responsible for and the teacher and other staff are responsible for. The county provides each school with a draft of the contract so that it meets the minimum requirements of the contract but it is also required that parents and students have a voice in adapting the contract to that particular school. A title 1 school is required to do all sorts of stuff and when they do it they make sure that you know "because we are a Title 1 school we are required to have ________ (like a parental involvement meeting or whatever)...this meeting is to meet this requirement. They also explain how you get to be a title 1 school at each and every meeting and also mention when title 1 funds are being spent on a certain thing. (percentage free and reduced lunch).
So I guess going to SAC meetings and reading all the stuff coming home from school...if you are a title 1 school...it is constantly mentioned. All.the.time.