Finally ... both are sleeping .... at the same time ... shhhhhhh
Thanks a lot for your answers. I really need the support

Ok, now some answers on my side:
Kriston: No I do not have any childcare, babysitter, or even grandma (appart from visits of course) to help. I definitively have to look for some place where to put DS for two half days. The problem is that I am still thinking what would be the best for him. I am pretty certain that he is as gifted, but 'how much'? I think that I could find what fits him better if I wait to see his LOG. On the other hand I need the time NOW. I guess the best is to look for some mom who would take care of him. This is called 'gastouder' here.
About DD spending time alone: when she has had some intelletual challenge or 'feeding' she can play on her own, but not alone (in her room for example). So she may play in the dinning area for example while I do the dinner in the kitchen. The problem is that DS then wants to play with her and 'help' by throwing the puzzles or colors or destroying her beautiful set up with her little figures. Or even worse, he plays on his own ... the gardener, the explorer, the climber....
About the time spent in 'learning' - that is, doing academicish stuff, it is quite short, while DS has his nap. The rest of the time is playing time, with lots of 'whys' in between of course.
And appart from mega tired, I feel relieved that she does not have to go back to an environment where she was unlearning

Would you believe that now she refuses to draw anything claiming that she does not know how?
At least now she is back at being interested into watching documentary movies about animals and not Little Ponys and more Little Ponys...
Neato: no, she is not reading yet. She knows about half of the alphabet (in spaninsh), capital and lower-case, name and sound and can read a few words. I could say that I am trying to teach her to read, but a better description would be that I am helping her to teach herself to read.
About math, in counting and arithmetics she is starting to work at first grade more or less (appart from the fact that she tends to do the sums in her head). In other areas like abstract reasoning (grouping and differentiating) or pre-algebra (series of colors and shapes) she is doing workboks at home for 6-7 yrs old and she does them easily the first with a 'little bit' of effort the second. I have the feeling that she just need a little push to take off and start working at grade 2 or higher.
I really miss to have some text books in Spanish but I cannot find them here obviously.
Everyone: thanks a lot for the encouragment