As the other posters mentioned, IQ tests are not given in a group setting, but there are tests that are considered to be "ability" tests given in group settings (CogAT is one that is commonly used by schools as a gifted program screener). These tests usually measure "learned ability" vs the "innate ability" measured by an IQ test such as the WISC.
One thing you can do is to request a copy of your dd's school records, and that should include a copy of her gifted testing results, which will have the name of the test as well as her scores. Re whether or not you need to do that - as long as your dd is getting enrichment/acceleration/etc as needed at school, there's probably no reason to dig for more info other than to know for certain what that one particular data point is. OTOH, if there are programs outside of school you want to have her apply for, then it's a good idea to at least know what the test and score are in the event you could use it for admission to specific programs.
It sounds overall though like your school is at least proactive in id'ing children for gifted programming - which is great!
Best wishes,