So... I guess we're taking the plunge into homeschooling!
Congrats! You'll be okay. Just be
SURE to take your vitamins and get plenty of rest every night. A nap in the afternoon is also advisable. Oh, and go ahead and purchase some extra bookshelves right away. You might even skip the shelves and go straight to the bedroom-to-library remodel.
I'm a little nervous about possibly feeling isolated but I'm very glad not to have to send my kid somewhere every day that makes her so miserable.
I think you'll be surprised at just how many groups are available to homeschoolers these days. Libraries, museums, botanical gardens, science centers, local artisans, and many others often regularly have programs for homeschoolers. Homeschool co-ops and tutorials are popping up all over the place, too, as well as drama groups, nature clubs, and sports teams. You'll meet all kinds of parents and children --which is an education in itself. And if at first you don't succeed in connecting, try and try again.

If you don't care to 'connect' with others so much, you'll still find plenty of activities you can do on your own that will get you out of the house.
One more thing, you might want to search the Yahoo and Google Groups for homeschool groups in your area. Signing up for a daily digest from these groups is a good way to find out what's going on all around your area. It saves a lot of leg work. Just a plain Internet search will work , too.
GHF has people from all over, even quite a few of the PG folk.
Have fun!