Oh, I was SUCH an airhead when I was pregnant! Just an idiot! Really!
Did I mention I almost ran out of gas with no money a second time, after the first? And there was a big backup on the interstate, so I had to take backroads to get home so that I didn't get stuck there without gas? I made it home on fumes! I had to use some of the gas for the lawnmower and borrow my husband's credit card so that I could make it to the gas station, or I wouldn't have made it to work the next day.
And this was after I ran out the first time!
Seriously, I was a disaster! Since then, I have always kept an emergency $20 bill in my car. On the bright side, since I'm not preggers anymore, I've never needed to use the $20 again. It was a temporary condition. Thank goodness!