Mornings are so hard at our house too! And I have to admit that very quickly into this school year (kindergarten) I gave in to dressing my DD. She just turned 6 a few weeks ago. She's literally been dressing herself since she was 2 but she's NOT an early morning person. Her natural wake time is closer to 7:30, and we have to wake her up every morning by 7:00. Because my younger two are usually still asleep, and also because I try to be quiet so that I don't wake up my DD3.5 who shares a room with DD6, I literally carry her in to the bathroom, put her on the potty, then dress her--all while her eyes are usually still closed. After that time she usually walks on her own into the kitchen and eats her breakfast. After 10 minutes she's perked up and ready to go to school. This is the only time that I dress her for anything and I never did for preschool (I don't even dress my DD3.5). But we didn't have to be at preschool until 9:30, and leaving the house by 7:30 is a lot harder for her to do.
I certainly don't plan on dressing her like this forever. For now, though, it's the best way to let her get sleep in the mornings but still get out the door on time without making such a scene that we wake up her younger siblings. Perhaps it's not the best approach in terms of fostering independence in the morning, but overall it's the best solution for us. Besides, I'm not a morning person, and there are some mornings when I would love it if someone would help me get dressed.