Just thought I'd check back in with an update. I think my son is a good example of early testing not being accurate unless the child cooperates with the test.

So that there wouldn't be any pressure, I told him that he was just going to go play some games and do some puzzles.
I could hear some of the testing and knew while it was going on that I wouldn't get back accurate scores. He was clamming up on things that I know he knows, going off on tangents, etc, and it took three solid hours. Today the scores came in the mail, and, as I suspected, they are all over the place. It looks to me like he paid attention when they did things he found interesting and didn't pay attention or ignored the questions when he wasn't interested.
So it goes. There is a qualifying Broad Math (155) in there, but I don't think there's any point in submitting it with the other scores all over the map.
We'll do it again in a few years when we can tell him to take it seriously.