I would love to find somebody as knowledgeable about the DAS-II as the people here are about the WISC-IV, if only because the person who administered it to my son so clearly thought that digging into the details (beyond the "intelligence normal or above normal" required to peg his diagnosis) was 1) useless and 2) vaguely uncouth to worry about when he had so many more serious issues going on.
My understanding is that people who use it (including Aimee Yermish, who is sometimes active on this board) like it because it allows fine grained testing of several problem areas in kids with suspected issues and also faster progression through testing for gifted kids, avoiding the tiredness and boredom that can skew results.
It also ranges wide -- 2.9-adult with two sets of overlapping tests for preschool vs. elementary and out of range norming that avoids the WSPPI vs. WISC issue.
Drawback: less well known than the WISC. But good enough for DYS...