looking for the 'least-bad' fit is all that can be done.
Now that is something I think may guide me for awhile. I think I need to look past the comparisons to her sister. you know you shouldn't but it is hard not to... and the first child's behavior couldn't have been better.
BTW - if she ceilinged out on verbal, then it probably doesn't make sence to say she is 'shy of highly gifted' as she ran out of test. Grinity
I guess I'm again stuck on comparing. her verbal was crazy rich but that processing speed was just a cut over the 130 mark. The remarks made abou the big sis stick out about how much schools like the see the processing speed. So here is my real fear... is it possible that her verbal is just so stinking strong because the way I've always talked to the kids and then how her sister talks to her. Is it stable - age aside as I know 5 is a better stability...
I just can't imagine sending her at 5.5 to learn what she knew at 2.5 but oh they are still so little. But I read some of your stories out there and think better to take our lumps now than in later grades. Plus, I fear some things I've read that one skip alone for dd6 might not be enough. i swear we'll find a way to make it work. famous last words i'm sure.