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Does anyone have experience with both the KBIT and WISC IV? I am trying to determine the reliability of the KBIT-2 (Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test). My 9yo son was assessed with a 134 composite on KBIT; The psychologist said the WISC is usually within around 4 points of the KBIT. Can anyone who has done both share their scores?, example: KBIT = 134 WISC=130
I am trying to determine whether a full scale is necessary but the school may require it for G&T program. Thanks!!
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If you'd rather have data than anecdote, http://www.marshall.edu/etd/masters/york-jennifer-2006-ma.pdf Note that the sample size of 33 doesn't necessarily qualify this as data, though.  "Although the screening instrument, the K-BIT IQ composite and the comprehensive instrument, the WISC-IV FSIQ were highly correlated, these two tests did not yield similar scores when administered to the same student. The K-BIT provided a significantly higher score (9 points) than the WISC-IV FSIQ." I can't tell sample size here: http://preview.tinyurl.com/7waldz3 (This is a Google Books version of "Essentials of assessment with brief intelligence tests;" the table is on page 24.)
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Thanks AlexsMom! I've seen some of the correlation studies online but hoping to get some "real live" examples on the gifted forum as, like you said, the samples in the studies are generally small. If this study is in fact accurate, it sounds like my son's KBIT 134 would predict a WISC of 125. At least it's a starting point : ) Thanks!
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Statistical analysis doesn't really lend itself to application to a single person, though.
Are you trying to make the case that your DS ought to be admitted to a program based on KBIT scores, rather than having to go to the effort and expense of the WISC? My anecdote there is "our test is the only one that counts."
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I'm pretty positive they will not accept the KBIT alone, but I didn't want to waste the time and money on the WISC if there is a high probability that his FSIQ will be below the mark-catching my drift? Just seems painful to make him sit through three hours of testing if it is not going to get him into the program.... I know every child is different, just thought I might be able to get a better idea based on others experiences : ) It's been kind of a pain even going down this road...our public school system uses the Cogat alone for gifted screening and he missed the mark on that-I later found out he did not complete any subtests but answered all attempted questions correctly : ( wondering if it's worth it to pursue further with WISC. There is a chance that the school psychologist will do a full battery for him but I am not sure what instrument she would be using. Thanks again for your replies - I am new to this forum and still finding my way on all the testing/screening etc!
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Was it the KBIT or the KBIT-2 he took? AFAICT, one issue with the KBIT is that it's an old test (normed in 1990); the KBIT-2 was normed in 2004. So there should be a smaller spread in scores between the KBIT-2 and the WISC-IV than between the original KBIT and the WISC-IV. ( http://www.ecasd.k12.wi.us/student_services/assessments/KBIT-2.pdf says 1-3 points, which is consistent with the 4 points your tester's seen.) The CogAt is timed for 3rd grade and up - it looks like he ran out of time, or didn't attempt questions he wasn't sure of? Is your district's G&T program really good, or your DS really unhappy in his current placement, that it's important that he be in the program? Our program is sort of lacking - it got called out in the district's last operational audit as a pointless waste of time and resources.  OTOH, the school has been very good about looking at each kid as a whole kid, regardless of test scores or identification. If you can get what your kid needs without testing, I personally would not do a third test.
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My DS7 was tested for both KBIT II and WISC IV.
His score for KBIT is 142 and WISC IV 147 Full scale.
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He took the KBIT-2. That is good info regarding the difference in norms-thanks for sharing!!
The G&T is a weekly pullout-not phenomenal, but it does broaden horizons once you're in (specialized summer camps, competitions, etc., etc.) I have not pursued it before this year because he's been fine in the standard classroom, (well, academically that is, he has always been the wild child of the class per se). I also wasn't crazy about him missing 2-3 hours of class-time weekly. This year however I am seeing a decline in his grades (still straight A's but barely A's, example grades will be 100,100, 95 ,97,50) I'll ask what is the 50 all about?? And he'll say, oh I just didn't get to it, or some other excuse, almost like he doesn't care.
This year He is actually begging to be a part of the pullout program and brings it up weekly. I've tried to talk it down to make him lose interest but it hasn't worked : ( It doesn't help that most of his best buds go to the program. All of this began when he got a perfect score on the state standardized test last spring in Math and near perfect on some other subtests. When he didn't pass the CoGat we were kind of scratching our heads, simply because of the discrepancy in achievement. It appears that he ran out of time on the CoGat. They hand score the Cogat tests in our school district, so we never received any formal scores, profiles, etc., just a notice of non-passing and a few numbers.
It definitely seems like he is hitting the ceiling achievement-wise this year-when we met with his teacher for p/t conferences she told us that "we really don't know his reading level, because the test we give only goes up to 9th grade level, so his reading level is somewhere at or above the 9th grade" He's motivated by goals, but once he hits them (usually early) he's not getting more goals from the teachers and he loses motivation.
He will enter middle school next year and they do not offer advanced classes until 7th grade, so I think the program would definitely be good for 5th and 6th grades, if nothing else to meet/be with peers. The school is much larger / crowded than his Elem. school and I worry about him slipping through the cracks. We've applied for a magnet but it's a lottery after you make the academic requirement. Keeping fingers crossed on that one. Wow I'm rambling! Sorry! I'll stop now : )
Purpleviolin thanks for sharing your scores- That is in line with what the original screener told us. How were your DS7's processing/memory scores? If we do decide to pursue the WISC IV, I'm a little worried that my DS9 might have issues with speed seeing as how he ran out of time on the CoGat. Thanks again for your replies!
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If your child has processing issues on the WISC-IV, the tester can calculate the GAI, which takes out the effect of processing speed and working memory. If slow processing really is an issue for your son, that would be good information to have, as if it is a real bottleneck, he might need a 504 plan and accommodations of extra time, decreased copywork, etc., so that the volume of work doesn't get overwhelming as he accelerates.
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Excellent point aculady. I wasn't even thinking about the long-term effects of processing setbacks, and you are absolutely right-this could be great info to have. I will be sure to request the GAI if we do the WISC. The original KBIT screener recommended the WISC, due to the fact that we are trying to make school decisions for next year and the detailed info would be helpful. I think I am leaning more toward having it done as the pros of testing seem to outweigh the cons. I did get word from the school psychologist that they are going to do an IQ test, but I am not sure which one. Also, I am not sure of her level of experience with G&T. The psychologist who did the KBIT was outside of the school system to screen for a program for talented youth at a local university, so this tester dealt only with G&T kids. I am not even sure if the school will give me the results or even explain them - they seem to be so busy I can barely get anyone to return my phone calls! Wondering now if I should skip the school testing and go private with the original screener, who I definitely trust. Thanks again for the great insight!