I agree totally with the social aspects and the earlier the better. The only true friend DD9 still has from the original grade (pre-skip) is clearly in the same LOG, but family had no interest in acceleration. Much better social fit in the receiving grade (skipped from 1st to 3rd), particularly in the 'gifted' program at the regular public school.
Our biggest issue at a school that has never done full grade acceleration, has been teachers. First and second years post skip (3rd and 4th grade), teachers focused on DD as immature and associated every negative issue with younger age than classmates. By early in the second year, most students had accepted, although occasional questioning about why skipped. She pretty much blends in now, althought still comfortably in top 1-2%, just not clearly light years ahead. Although, I think that a second skip this year would have been appropriate academically, DD would have lost a lot of social support. We are just starting third year post-skip - waiting to see how this year goes. Teachers at a school that is willing to suggest a grade skip likely will have a different perspective than we experienced.
We aren't exactly in the same LOG boat, though. One single grade skip alone is unlikely to get a good fit from the scores you posted and I agree that you may need to make some tradeoffs and decide which priorities are most important.
I also second, third, whatever, the DYS application.
Good luck!