Hi Everyone,
I have been trying to look through all of the great info in the forums, but I haven't had any luck finding precisely what I'm after. I'm trying to find some sort of workbooks or program to do at home over the summer with my kids.
DD6 just missed qualifying for the gifted program here because she bombed one subsection of the WISC-IV, so so these purposes think of her as MG. Her biggest strength is quantitative, weakness non-verbal, reads above her grade level (I'm thinking of having her take the DORA to see how far), and she is finishing up 1st grade.
DD8 is bright (not gifted), not as strong of a reader, more quantitative but hated her math teacher this year so didn't do as well in her high-ability class. She is a really poor test taker - refuses to take the time to read questions carefully and frequently underperforms on tests in general. She is finishing up 2nd grade this year.
I'd like to find something we can all work on together for an hour or two a day over the summer that will build on their strengths and help with their weaknesses. I'm interested in really trying to (gently) push them to another level, because I feel like all school year we are so busy that we hardly get to anything. At the same time, I'd like it to be fun and engaging.
Any suggestions? I'm a future secondary math teacher, so I'm willing to do some "lesson planning" on my own, but I'd like some kind of program to use as a base.
Thanks for any help!