I am brand new to this forum and looking advice/guidance.
My DS is 5.9 & in a regular kindergarten class now. Last year he qualified for the advanced work class kindergarten class but we opted out (many differences with the teacher who teaches it, was concerned that my child would develop a negative attitude for school off the bat). Now that he's settled/loves school, we want him in the GAT 1st grade class for next yr.
While not required, many are seeking private testing to secure a spot in the class (size of class is limited to 18--thus competitive). I know my DS is bright but am nervous on how he'll do for testing (now feeling remorse for keeping him out of AWC this year). He's scheduled to take the WPPSI in the next few wks with a seasoned psychologist who frequently does testing for gifted.
I've seen your recent posts re: ceiling is smaller/less room for error on the WPPSI, but I really don't want to wait until he's 6 (end of July), b/c I'm unsure the school will accept gifted results that late/that close to school beginning.
Obviously the test is expensive & I'm hoping we aren't wasting $$ but this is important to us. Right now our child is not being challenged at school. (now getting bored and not paying attn)
Any words of advice for those who have taken the WPPSI? B/c the WPPSI is only standarized up to age 7, isn't it an easier exam than the WISC? Are WPPSI results sufficient IQ scores to carry all through the school years or do you have to retest?
Any advice in general is appreciated.