Welcome! We have some people very knowledgable about testing here, but since I'm one of just a handful of people here whose kids have tested using the KABC-II, I thought I'd tell you what I know. It's hard to find information about the KABC-II, but from what I've been told, it's a good test.

The Simultaneous Scale has scores from visual problems requiring nonverbal and spatial skills. For the Sequential Scale the child is asked to look at objects and recall these objects in the exact order in which he or she saw them. Planning Scale problems require a student to solve new nonverbal problems that may require the child to use prior knowledge to solve. For the Knowledge Scale the child is asked a series of questions about different knowledge of words and facts. I'm not sure about what exactly the Learning Scale entails.

So, I don't know much in detail, but hopefully this helps a little bit. Those are great scores! Did your DS do any achievement testing?

Pull up a chair and look around. I've found the people here to be wonderfully knowledgable and helpful!

She thought she could, so she did.