Originally Posted by DeHe
at least you're the one thinking you are the personal book service - my DS5 pretty much says that to me all the time - did you go to the library today!!?? Although DS and I agree that we like it better when I go for him. He will pick up the first book that catches his eye and sit down and read it like drugged, he can't continue!

I like doing it because I like controlling one aspect of his intake - age inappropriateness of sexual content which we are dispensing as asked - and from his point of view - scary content.

If we take the kids to the library, they'll go straight for Garfield comics, which is fine as long as they also have other stuff to read! Thus, we request books through the online catalog, and make several stops at the library per week for pick up/drop off. Our library system has new book lists each month which are a great resource - I stick primarily to the pre-teen list because the teen list is loaded with vampire romance and teen romance. Dd knows this stuff is out there but is not interested yet - I like to think in part it is because she has so much other good stuff to read...

Last edited by amylou; 04/12/11 11:57 AM.