Originally Posted by mnmom23
It seems like you guys are saying we should at least ask them to assess her and see what they say. And I guess what we need to do is try to get a hold of all her records (testing, etc.) and see if we can have a sit down. Thanks for the nudge!
Have you signed the contract with the private school? It seems to me, in my limited experience, that folks who are doing the selling for privates schools will smile and agree to anything at the open houses, but once you sign on the bottom line, it's a totally different story.

I would get it in writing with them signing that if they don't provide whatever they have agreeed to in writting, that you aren't going to be held to paying for the part of the year you didn't use.

I get it that your DD is an agreeable sort - and I'm sort of jealous of that, but in a way I'm grateful that I had more of a 'delicate flower' who just couldn't tolerate poor-fit academic situations.

It is so hard to weight how much acceleration is best!

Don't worry about the outcome of graduating at 15 - perhaps she can do a Post op year or a Gap year before college, or even spend a year abroad in High School to decelerate before she gets to Junior year. Perhaps once she gets to be a driver, she can homeschool and defer graduation to homeschool while she audits college classes. But what you really don't want is for her to be shocked out of her lull when she heads off to college. I want her to be ready to work hard when the academic situation calls for it.

I'm also not frightened of 40 kids in a classroom, afterall, the teachers will probably give her as much attention as she wants no matter if there were 150 kids in the classroom. More kids means more chances of kids who are a good social/academic match.

It is true that if all the bright parents are sending their kids to the private school, that the social fit might be better. But remember that your barganing position with the private school will NEVER be better than it right now. Probably better to ask for the needed gradeskip NOW, than 'wait to see if maybe it will be ok.' You already know that it won't be.

Love and More Love,

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