Originally Posted by Katelyn'sM om
As for the beauty side ... now that one we still get all the time. DD is a gorgeous child and we still get the sucked in breath and comments from strangers. Even at school, the teachers are always quick to comment to me about DD and her looks. DD has her own way of answering the comments. She smiles and says "Yeah, I was born this way." LOL Later on in life that is really going to sound conceited but she manages to do it in away that is matter of fact.

Well, I am an adult, and by no means gorgeous, but I'll throw in my two cents. Sometimes, when someone compliments my hair, I'll say either "thanks, I grew it myself," or "thanks, but I don't do anything special, it just comes out of my head this way." Usually the wink-and-smile avoids coming across as conceited, and people know I'm making a joke. At least I hope so!