Ya, I am kind of thinking that she is beyond the others in her class. I'm feeling bad that I haven't checked out her reading group and the school year is almost over (1 quarter left).

I'm going to leave her teacher an e-mail and see if I can observe within the next week or so. DD has told me the names of the kids in her reading group- and they are all bright kids, to be sure. But I do think DD is still ahead, and can handle more sophisticated reading material. Right now, at home she is reading "Tales of a Fourth-Grade Nothing" as well as "The Diary of Anne Frank" - totally different types of books, but they fit DD to a "T". "Tales" she reads again and again and is an "easy" book for her, I think she is on her 3rd time through. "Anne Frank" she reads with me at bedtime (maybe an entry or 2) and we spend a lot of time discussing both vocabulary and history.

Thanks for your input, Grinity.